Friday 29 December 2023

One Song, by AJ Betts

Aspiring singer-songwriter Eva is desperate to win the Triple-J unearthed high competition and now in Year 12 it’s her last chance. Her good friend (and crush) Cooper has recruited a band to boost her chances; laid back drummer Ant and intensely grumpy bassist Ruby. After five weeks of rehearsals The Errants are set to spend the final weekend before the deadline recording and mixing the song in Cooper’s studio in the garden of his musician dad’s mansion. To make things interesting Cooper has invited Mim along to film a cinema verité documentary for her Year 11 media project. What follows is a weekend of mayhem as, led by a recalcitrant Ruby, the band rejects Eva’s song and even the band’s name and they have to come up with a new one. What can go wrong? A violent thunderstorm and blackout; an untimely period; mental health issues; bodgy maths; and heartbreak are just a few of the weekend’s complications. There is a lot going on this tale of talented teens trying to break into the music industry, much of it entertaining, little of it credible, especially the characters.

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