Tuesday 28 November 2023

The True Queen, by Zen Cho

A wild storm washes up two sisters, Muna and Sakti, on the shores of Banda Jaik. A curse has caused them to lose their memories, so the witch Mak Genggang sends them to England’s Sorceress Royal to learn how to break it. On the journey they are separated; Sakti is trapped in the Fairy Queen’s palace, while Muna must navigate England’s snobbery and prejudice to try to reunite with her sister. Along the way she finds friends and allies, as well as enemies, who all play a part in Muna’s discovery of her true self and her place in the world. A sequel to Sorcerer to the Crown, Prunella and her husband are peripheral characters here, her best friend Henrietta taking centre stage along with Muna. The Sorceress Royal’s struggles to establish magical rights for women in Regency England is a mere backdrop to Muna’s story. Zen Cho has largely left behind the stilted and awkward language of the first book, aided by more of the action taking place in Fairyland and Malaysia. It moves faster too, making for an entertaining read. The climax and conclusion are rather convenient, but it’s hard to argue with a happy ending.

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