Friday 27 January 2023

False Value, by Ben Aaronovitch

Peter Grant has left the Met and is working in security for tech company. Or is he actually working undercover? The answer is not long withheld as our intrepid magical detective finds himself battling on several fronts. Fortunately he also has extra allies as the magical world keeps expanding. The complicated storyline involves rogue libertarian librarian practitioners from the US, because why not? Peter’s partner, river goddess Beverly Brook, is six months pregnant with twins, which adds extra complications to his personal and professional life. Much amusement is to be found from the tech bros, particularly around their idiosyncratic behaviours and naming protocols. With the unmasking and death of the Faceless Man there was a need for a new big bad enemy. Is it the Australian/American tech billionaire Terence Skinner or are there darker forces at work behind him? Although she does not rear her formerly ugly head in this book, it seems likely that Lesley May is involved somehow. Future volumes will no doubt reveal all.

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