Thursday 12 July 2018

Ant Man & The Wasp (2018), directed by Peyton Reed

Ant Man was missing from the last Avengers ensemble movie, Infinity Wars, and now we find it was because he has been under house arrest for two years, following his exploits in Germany with Captain America. Three days before the ankle bracelet is to come off, his freedom is put in jeopardy by the reintroduction into his life of The Wasp. She needs his help to retrieve her mother, lost in another dimension for 30 years. What follows is an amusing caper, with Ant Man trying to evade and outwit the FBI; a very shady businessman and his evil henchmen; and a mysterious, suited assailant. There is plenty of action, not over the top; a few laughs, perhaps not quite enough; and a bit of science, possibly too much. Paul Rudd’s appealing persona carries the film; Evangeline Lilly is fine as The Wasp; there is a nice cameo from Michelle Pfeiffer; and an entertaining supporting cast. A much smaller film than the usual Marvel epics, Ant Man & The Wasp is a bit on the sentimental side and certainly no Black Panther, but it’s all harmless fun.

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